Pricing Models

The marketing department wants to sell as much product as possible; the production department wants to manage inventory .  Visualytic Solutions staff have solved this classic optimization issue between supply and demand from two competing business units of the same company.  Customized pricing methodologies can create harmony.

Please note that depending on the elasticity of your product and price control you have over your raw inputs, pricing models may require frequent oversight.


Loss Forecasting /Tiered Pricing

It’s no secret that clients with better credit scores are offered better terms and conditions.  But when you combine customer demographics, loan durations and interest rates with your product or customer portfolio, how do you minimize loss rates while still attracting customers?

Visualytic Solutions has worked closely with various financial services organizations to improve their pricing strategies and reduce their default rates.


Increased Medicare / Medicaid Success Rates

Insurers hire a service organization to help their members receive all government benefits eligible to them reducing their claim payout dollars.  Many of the patients qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, but filing is a time consuming and expensive process.

Visualytic Solutions helps by identifying and ranking members by likelihood of eligibility, allowing customer service to focus on members with the best probability of success first.


Effective Analysis

For one of our clients, Visualytic Solutions is the outsourced extension of the insurance-based (hazard) risk management department.  The organization has all the necessary data in-house but lacks the resources for proper Business Intellignece  Reporting.  We combine the loss history with the proper exposure measures and mine results to the division level. 

We allow the client to focus on their core responsibilities while providing them the information they need for their internal clients, actuary, insurance carrier, consultants and broker.




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